Episode 6: Black Lives Matter Part 2 Pre- Listening Vocabulary

This week's theme: Part 2 of Black Lives Matter/structural racism! (w/ Amanda During) The Vocabulary Section! More vocabulary to prep listeners for the second part of the interview about Black Lives Matter and structural racism here in the USA! New format! We're splitting up each theme into two (or three) episodes! First we'll preview the interview with vocabulary, then we'll air the interview, and then Masha will possibly add more with a third featurette occasionally, with all kinds of interactive, fun ideas she has for helping our listeners improve their English!

Vocabulary List

1) Relinquish (verb) : to give up control/ give away control

Ex: No one wants to relinquish power once they have it.

2) Reconstruction: (1865–77) the period of American history after the Civil War when the southern states, under government and military control, rejoined the US.

Civil War: a war in which opposing groups of people from the same country fight each other in order to  gain political control

Plantations: a large area of land in a hot country, where crops such as tea, cotton, and sugar are grown

3) Subsequently (adverb): after/ then

Ex: Subsequently, the company filed for bankruptcy.

4) Manoeuvre (verb)

Ex: A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex manoeuvre.

5) Deep rooted (adjective) : something so strong in a person or society that it is very difficult to change or destroy it

Ex: Because of the way that police treat people of color, they have a a deep-rooted fear of the police.

6) Don’t think twice (idiom)- don’t spend too much time thinking about something

Ex: A: I got into a great Business school but I am not sure if I should go. It’s gonna take a lot of time to finish.

B: Don’t think twice. It’s a great opportunity!

7) Tragically misguided (passive adjective)- making a situation worse

Ex: Most Trump supporters are terribly misguided about what his government plans on doing if he wins a 2nd term.

8) The Lion’s Share (idiom): the larger part

Ex: When they sold the company, she got the lion’s share of the sale because she was the founder.

9) Gerrymander/ Gerrymander (verb): to change the borders to favor one political group

Ex: Republican states often engage in gerrymandering which greatly impacts the election in their favor.

10) Sleight of hand (idiom):the use of skillful tricks and lies in order to deceive someone

Ex: That was an impressive sleight of hand!

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